
Inclusion’ is a piece of facial ‘jewellery’. Reminiscent of a scold’s bridle, it binds the woman’s whole face. It is adorned with girly beaded lettering spelling the words that replace ‘woman’ and ‘women’ in contemporary society, e.g., ‘cervix haver’. The ball gag comprises the names of those following (enabling) the ‘Terfs out of Art’ twitter account, who made it their aim to end women, lesbian, and feminist’s careers.

All of these euphemisms for ‘woman’ are taken from real-world texts I have come across recently: cervix havers, black birthing bodies, bleeders, menstruators, pregnant people, womb carrier, womb havers, uterus haver, chest feeder, birthing people, people who bleed, uterus holders, people with vaginas, vulva owners, birth givers

This work was included in the Passion For Freedom NY show, 2024, along with my video work Being Kind.


  1. What a powerful piece! Instant impact – says absolutely everything, totally visceral. Please never stop making art!

  2. Would you be willing to make a print of this?

    My stomach dropped the moment I saw it. I cannot imagine an image that more perfectly captures the feeling I get when I see an “inclusive phrase” where the word woman or women or girl or breast should be.

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